Integration icon + Hyvor Blogs

Add a blog to your Wix site

Set up a beautiful blog for your Wix site in minutes. No coding required. Host on a custom domain or subdirectory.

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In a hurry?
Try Hyvor Blogs with a free temporary blog created in a few seconds. No sign up required.
Temporary blogs are deleted after 24 hours.

Loved by 100+ bloggers & businesses

AqeezTimes of MadeiraSubdivisionsJob PostsYoga KiddyUniverbal
"I need a simple, easy-to-use, fast, beautiful and mature blogging tool that resolves the WordPress bloat. Hyvor Blogs handles this beautifully."
- Lionel S., Blogger
" The platform offers a seamless and user-friendly experience for both bloggers and readers. The customization options are extensive, allowing bloggers to create a unique and visually appealing blog."
- Manoj P., Senior Application Engineer

Custom Themes
Custom Themes

Match your blog to your brand with custom themes. Choose from a variety of themes or create your own.

Are you familiar with HTML and CSS? Have a web developer in your team? You can create your own theme from scratch! Learn more


We will develop a theme for you at your request for your requirements.

Host Anywhere
Host Anywhere

Subdomain, custom domain, sub-directory... anywhere!

Default Subdomain
Best option to get started
Available for all blogs by default
Custom Domain
Best option for a professional blog
Easy to setup by changing DNS records. Learn more
Root ( or subdomain (
Free SSL certificate
Best option for SEO
Serve your blog from your web app
Reverse proxy support
Use one of the following methods to host your blog in a sub-directory:

SEO & Speed
SEO & Speed

All blogs are automagically optimized for SEO and speed. You don't need to worry about anything.

Best Practices
Meta tags (SEO, Open Graph, Twitter Cards, etc.)
Automatic sitemaps
Canonical URLs
Configurable settings
In-built SEO analyzer
In-built link analyzer to prevent broken links
Static, cached HTML pages
No Javascript bloat
Automatic WebP conversion
Responsive images
Flashload for faster navigation
SEO Analyzer
Our in-built SEO analyzer will help you optimize your posts for search engines and prevent you from making common SEO mistakes. You will receive realtime feedback as you write your blog post.
Post Link Analyzer
Remember that broken link you added to your blog post? That won't happen again with our link analyzer.
Full-blog Link Analyzer
What about links that break over time? No worries! We run a full-blog link analysis every two weeks to notify you of any broken or redirect links.
Link Analyzer Settings


Posts, author names, tags, metadata, ...everything is easily translatable. RTL support too!

Add a language
Add new language with name and code. This will make everything ready for translation. You can add more languages anytime.
Translate posts and data
Start translating posts manually or using the integrated AI translator. And, translate blog data like author names, tags, etc.
Reach global audience!
Now, your blog is ready to reach a global audience. Hyvor Blogs will automatically handle the technical parts for you!

And many more features...

All the features you need to create a successful blog.

Post Editor
All the basics
Bold, italic, headings, lists, quotes, links, and more.
Upload, paste, drag and drop, Unsplash, Excalidraw, and more ways to add images.
Easily embed from Youtube, X, Facebook, Instagram, and 1000+ other platforms.
Syntax Highlighting
Add code blocks with syntax highlighting for 100+ languages.
Markdown shortcuts for all the formatting you need.
Drafts & Scheduling
Save drafts and schedule posts to be published in the future.
Your Blog
Organize your posts with tags. Tag index pages are generated automatically.
Add one or more authors to your blog posts. Author index pages are generated automatically.
Add navigation links to your blog header and footer without writing any code.
Set up redirects for your old blog posts to keep your SEO juice.
Atom (RSS) Feed
Atom feeds are generated automatically. No extra work needed.
Same for the sitemap! It's generated automatically.
Custom Code
Add custom code to the whole blog or a specific page to integrate with third-party services.
Meta tags, Open Graph tags, Canonical URLs, and more SEO optimizations.
All official themes are optimized for speed. We use caching extensively to make your blog blazing fast.
Image Optimization
Automatic webp conversion and responsive images for all your images.
Data API
A REST API to access your blog data, allowing you to use Hyvor Blogs as a headless CMS.
Console API
Everything you can do from the Console, you can do with the Console API.
Delivery API
An API to learn how to "serve" your blog. Used for subdirectory hosting.
Get notified when an event happens in your blog.

Loved by Many & Highly Customizable!

Hyvor Blogs is used by hundreds of bloggers around the world. Here are some of their blogs.

Ready to add a blazing fast, SEO-friendly blog to your Wix site?

14-day free trial
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